What A System Actually Is... (Explained In English Not Nerd.)

I'm taking part in the Ship30for30 Challenge, where I write a short under 250-ish post on a topic that I wanna talk about!

(Click here to be kept updated when I post a new one!)

I thought today I'd share the post from today that talks about what a system is, based on the actual dictionary definition...

What Is A System - Described For Non Type A People

A system is a word that is thrown around a ton. “I need to create my system” is a funny phrase that makes little sense.

A system by definition is just a way of doing things.

Now we can connect multiple ways of doing things together, to create a way of doing a bigger thing, but in a really simplistic model (because I’m a simplicity specialist for a reason.)

A system is just the way we do things.

Systems are NOT what tools we use.

If you design how you do things around a single app, you’re setting yourself up for failure. You’re making your life harder, The system I created for myself uses Notion as a vehicle, not as the system.

But I'm not "Type A"

👋 Hi! Me neither! I'm not naturally a systems person... (which is why I'm so good at what I do...)

You don't need to be Type A to think about your own systems.

Do you get up in the morning? do you walk down the stairs and do you eat breakfast? This is what you do each morning, this is a system. You already do things a certain way. It’s about bringing it out into the forefront.

Need An Example?
Here’s a practical example, this is how I create content for Ship 30 for 30:

  1. I open my 30for30 Dashboard in Notion
  2. Read the quick bulleted notes from last night &
  3. Create content based on those notes.
  4. I edit briefly & paste it into my Figma template
  5. I upload the image to twitter
  6. Add it to my pinned post.

That is a system - it’s the way I do things.

Building a system is an odd way of describing “What you do” do you build your breakfast routine? Do you build how you get out of bed in the morning?

Now if you’re a systems designer - probably yes, but for someone who doesn’t have that much time to think about it all - you just do it!

The best way to design your system - is to pay attention to what you already do.

Until Next Time


P.S: I'm going to be writing these every day this month! - Click here and I'll make sure you're the first to know about it 😉 (no signup necessary the automations will do the magic!)

Unscripting Autism & A(u)DHD

Neurodiverse business owners who are looking for resources on making things easier for people who are trying to navigate a business landscape that isn't made for them.