Everyone is so mad about ConvertKit's name change to Kit

So it appears that some business owners aren't happy with ConvertKit's name change... and I have thoughts, Reader.

For those who don't use/don't care about Kit, here's a quick rundown.

ConvertKit Rebranding

Yesterday Kit (formally known as ConvertKit) hit publish on their complete rebrand to Kit....

Over the past few months they'd been documenting their change on their youtube channel which honestly I found fascinating.

I really loved how they spoke that the "Convert" part of the name ConvertKit didn't quite make sense to them, as it wasn't just about "conversion".

So they transitioned to Kit because it fit more with the way they want to identify, more about being a set of tools that help creators build their business.

They wanted to make sure the name they used matched their identity...

But it wasn't easy...

It took them time, to figure out what matters to them. They'd been known as ConvertKit for a very long time. The name was synonymous with creators.

It's kinda why I use Kit.
It's why I like Kit.

It's why I actually really liked how introduced Kit.

They were creators as they documented their entire branding process. They made those videos, they shared the struggles and basically lived their branding.

But isn't this just "marketing and PR stunt"?

Now, the more cynical among you might be thinking "it's a marketing and PR thing" and surely that is part of the reason of their rebrand.

But I do believe that the Convert part didn't fit them anymore (I mean the cost alone... you wouldn't do this if you didn't really have to!)

Marketing is a conversation, it's about sharing parts of who you are with your audience... even if it's freaking terrifying, because although they are a big company, there are real humans who spent a lot of time figuring out what mattered to them and their customers!

(In episode one we saw Charli having meetings with customers!)

They wanted to ensure that they were authentic to the brands own identity as well as to who they are and what they're trying to achieve.

But others didn't see that, alongside the usual discourse because change is scary... one comment I saw under the video made me giggle a little bit:

"Feels like an ego-centric rebrand"

Uh huh... well it's been a while since I last played with the meaning behind words:

a person's sense of
self-esteem or self-importance

Now this right here sounds a little gross... but then you look at the word identity

The characteristics determining who or what a person or thing is

So I 100% agree with the youtube comment, of course it's ego-centric... because to me... ego and identity are fundamentally linked.

And no matter the size of the business, your identity is a massive part of how you think and feel about your business.

The reality of running a business...

Because let's be real...

Running your own business... sucks. It's hard. It's tough and requires a considerable amount of effort.

A client once said to me:

Running a business is the most hardcore form of personal development.

So of course you put all of you into what you do, it's a big part of who you are.

Your business matters to you, Reader!

Sure — it needs to make money and pay bills... but it's something that's gotta fit with who you are.

If it doesn't... you gotta ask questions about it!

So what's in a name?

So what's in a name.... A heck of a lot!

Especially if it doesn't match who you are.

Now the eagle eyed among you might've already noticed a slight change in the send name, and if you've booked calls you noticed my name is not Jonathan any more!

That's because, in a very similar way to how ConvertKit has become Kit:

Jonathan has become Amelia (or Em).

Ironically it's also shorter... but that's just a very funny coincidence. 😅

It'll take time to adjust I'm sure.

Just like I kept writing ConvertKit and I change it to Kit I'm sure you'll mess up too!

It'll take some time, but Em matches who I am now! It's part of my identity and a label that fits me! But it's not all I am!

But that's a rant for next weeks email!

I'll talk to you then!


Amelia "Em" Stewart

Simplicity Specialist

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Lilac Road, Tiverton, Devon EX16
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